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Archive for the ‘self-esteem’

Wishing for willpower…

December 05, 2008 By: Brook Noel Category: all, courage and strength, goals and dreams, self-esteem 2 Comments →

 ”Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”-Jim Rohn

Good morning! This quote speaks to a problem that many of us face-while we desire a specific result, a foreboding gap may stand between our goal and our accomplishment.

Over the years, I have met many women who will chalk this up to “lack of willpower” or “lack of self-discipline.” I prefer to take a more positive approach-it is called “growth.”

Imagine for a moment a child in kindergarten. That child decides he wants to be President of the United States. That probably happens hundreds of times around the country each day-a child proclaiming their intent to run the country. Yet this child is different: he wants to accomplish that goal next month..

Well…a month comes, and a month goes. You might have already guessed how this story ends: he doesn’t become president in those thirty days. Why do you think that is? Would it be chalked up to lack of self-discipline or willpower? Of course not. However, it could be attributed to growth and process. Every goal and desire is a growth and a process-a journey.

We live in an instant-gratification society. We have figured out how to have food now versus cooking it (drive-thru), we can have information now (via the internet) instead of researching or going to a library. We can book trips around the world now rather than going to a travel agency. We can communicate in written form now (through email, versus hand-written letters). Somehow, many of us feel we should thus be able to accomplish our goals and change right now.

Until we find a way to order our favorite goal, pre-done and delivered at the local drive-thru, let us remember that it is a process of many steps. It is not a matter of self-discipline or willpower, but a matter of focus, daily action, and time.

 Your Turn: Where have you been belittling yourself for not “getting more done,” or not having “self discipline” or the “required willpower” to achieve your goals? Consider that goals and desires are a journey, and the place you are now is one required step on that path.

 Today’s Affirmation: I cherish the journey.