Good Morning!

devoted to making every day matter

Archive for the ‘purpose and priorities’

Good Morning - Creating Energy

January 05, 2009 By: Brook Noel Category: all, attitude, purpose and priorities, stress and being overwhelmed, worry, guilt and energy drainers No Comments →

 “Have the gumption to try something new, and the grit to see it through.”—Karen Fonstad

Good morning! Lately, I have been talking with a lot of people about energy—more specifically, lack of energy. Each January, fatigue seems to challenge many of us. Perhaps it is the cold, or the shorter days, or maybe we are all just a little worn out after the busy holiday season.

Recently I read that “boredom breeds fatigue.” When we live on autopilot, the cousin of boredom, we do not create new energy and zest in our lives. How can we change this? One quick cure is reinvigorating ourselves through a passionate interest. What do you really enjoy doing? What would you really like to try in your life? Is there a hobby that you have been neglecting, or one you have always wanted to pursue?

Your Turn:
Make a list in your journal of ten activities or interests that stir your passions. Schedule ten to twenty minutes a couple of times per week to pursue an activity from this list. The energy and excitement you gain from this will radiate in every area of your life.

Today’s Affirmation:
I create a space for my passions in my daily life.