Good Morning!

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Archive for the ‘stress and being overwhelmed’

Busy, busy, busy…

December 15, 2008 By: Brook Noel Category: all, life wisdom, stress and being overwhelmed 2 Comments →

Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.”-Anonymous Good morning! For as many times as we have said, “patience is a virtue,” you would think that the message would be drilled into our brains, and our society. But look around. Take any day, of any year, and see how little patience exists in the world we live in.

If you really want to see how lacking in patience the world is, get about twenty items and try going through the express lane at the grocery store. A loud chorus of sighs will start behind you.

How about road rage? Everyone is so intent on getting there, fast, faster, fastest. Or watch someone with a modem on the Internet. If it takes a computer screen more than twenty seconds to load, they’ll start adjusting cords, wondering what is wrong and why the Internet is so slow. Never mind that not even a decade ago, most people had to journey to the library for the afternoon to gather information that is now delivered to the savvy web-surfer in seconds.

My mother is famous for pointing out how the lack of patience is so foolish when driving. Up in northern Wisconsin where I grew up, the roads were only occasionally speckled with traffic. Despite the beauty of the scenery around them, cars would zoom and race by. Once we got to the city and found ourselves at a traffic light, the car that passed us at ninety miles per hour was just a matter of a few feet in front of us. My mom would always laugh at how the drivers were so focused on the road and passing others that they missed the fall colors or spring blossoms.

 Your Turn: When you are charging around in daily life-ask yourself where exactly you are going. Is crossing the “finish” line a bit quicker worth missing the view?

 Today’s Affirmation: While engaged on any journey, I remember to enjoy the view.

Just released: Good Morning: 365 Positive Ways to Start Your Day by Brook Noel - You’ll find 365 Good Morning entries to inspire you throughout the year. Order your autographed copy by clicking here.   Follow me on Twitter –
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