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Archive for the ‘goals and dreams’

The Rooms of Your Life

January 06, 2009 By: Brook Noel Category: all, attitude, goals and dreams, life wisdom, purpose and priorities 1 Comment →

 “We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives…not looking for flaws, but for potential.” —Ellen Goodman

Good morning! What a wise woman Ellen is. This is the perfect time of year to map out the “rooms” of your life, just as an architect would draw a floor plan. Generate your “room” list by writing down the responsibilities you have in life: for example, volunteer, wife, mother, daughter, artist, author, and church member.  In each “room,” record the potential that exists for growth. This activity and reflection will inspire more greatness than an external to-do list.

Your Turn:
As the architect of your life, think about the life you want to build. Sketch out the rooms of your life and write down how you might grow, change, or remodel them in the year ahead.

Today’s Affirmation:
I am the architect of my reality. I design a rich and fulfilling daily experience.

Going further:

One of the exercises in my online goal class is to create a goal poster. One technique we cover is the “room method,” inspired by class participant Rhonda Miga. Rhonda drew a house on a large piece of poster board and then labeled the “rooms” she uncovered. In each room, she wrote a sentence reflecting her goal for the year ahead. She added visual images she cut out from magazines to enhance the poster and then displayed it where she will see it regularly.