Good Morning!

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Archive for the ‘communication’

Don’t forget to salt the rice…

December 11, 2008 By: Brook Noel Category: all, communication, life wisdom 1 Comment →

“Don’t forget to salt the rice,” -Artris Kelone

Good morning! Jadenda shared the following when she sent me the above quote:

This is something my father has been telling me since I was old enough to help in the kitchen. Since then, he and I have repeated it to my children, also. It was not until last week while putting a pot of rice on to cook and pondering the actions of my twenty-year-old that I heard my father’s voice in a different light.

 To most people, this advice might not mean anything except a reminder to put salt in the rice while it is cooking, because afterward it matters not how much you add: it will not turn out the same. But to a mother of a twenty-year-old, I now look at it as a word of warning about raising children. I also see how it could apply to all relationships. At twenty, it is too late or at least really hard, to instill good values. So if you do not do it while you’re cooking the rice-or raising the child-sometimes it is too late. This applies to showing love, respect and discipline.

 And yes, it is hard sometimes to wait to see if I added just the right amount of salt to the rice.

 Your Turn: What relationships in your life need tending? Don’t put off until tomorrow what you need to share today.

 Today’s Affirmation: I pay close attention to the needs of those around me.

Just released: Good Morning: 365 Positive Ways to Start Your Day by Brook Noel - You’ll find 365 Good Morning entries to inspire you throughout the year. Order your autographed copy by clicking here.  

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