Archive for the ‘Money Matters’

Easy and Economical Homemade Gifts

Mini #55
20 pages
Please note this Mini does not open until November 7, 2008

When people are asked what gifts they remember most from past holiday seasons, often it is the handmade gifts, given from the heart. In this Mini I share 17 gift ideas that easy and economical. Instructions are porvided for 17 easy and economical homemade gifts, including:

  • Painted Glass Ornaments
  • Christmas Tree Craft
  • Journal Craft
  • Journal or Address Book
  • Magnetic Moments
  • Screen Saver
  • Decoupage Ornaments
  • Ice Cube Candles
  • Memory Bag
  • Coupon Gift Sets
  • Beautiful Bracelet
  • Decoupage Memory Box
  • Foil Stained Glass Ornament Craft
  • Magnets and Thought Stones
  • Gifts from the Kitchen
  • Mosaic Mirrors or Picture Frames (courtesy of Sammy)
  • Keepsake MemoryMemory Box Craft Box (courtesy of Sammy)

Building A Budget

Mini Number #022


  • 18 page workbook
  • Excel spreadsheet template for building a budget
  • Tips for Online Banking
  • 8 activities and a discussion area

There it is in all its glory…. the “B” word. If you exploring this Mini I am going to make three guesses about your relationship with budgeting:

1. You have heard the word budget before
2. You have created a budget before
3. You have experienced less than stellar results from budgetingbudget.gif

That’s okay. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Budgeting is a necessary tool for taking control of finances and can actually be rewarding. In this Mini I will take you step-by-step through that statement.

The goal of a budget is two-fold … the first goal is to get your spending to align with your earnings; and the second is to be aware of and alter spending habits to meet your financial goals. At the outset budgeting sounds like a fairly easy thing; determine how much you make and how much you spend. Make sure the income exceeds the expenses. While the concept is simple, setting up a budget system that is easy to maintain and is realistic is where many people stumble. In this Mini we will set up a simple to use budget. Includes an 18 page workbook and a spreadsheet template for creating your budget.

Adapted from the online class: Financial Freedom

Creating A Spending Station

Mini Number: #009

A Spending Station is a control center for managing finances efficiently. The Spending Station created in this Mini-Makeover has three categories: bills, wants, and actual spending. First we will set up the actual station and then cover each category. Finally, I will guide you through how to use the Spending Station to effectively manage day-to-day finances.

This Mini-Makeover is divided into nine separate Action Steps. Work through each action Step by carefully following the instructions. Includes printables for tracking bills, your personal “lay-away plan,” and actual spending, along with a worksheet in Microsoft Word format (2003 or later) for customizing your bill system.


Discovering Your Personal Values

Mini Number: #005

Have you ever felt there must be “something more” but been unable to identify what it is? Have you ever felt your life is a series of to-dos but that you aren’t really living? These feelings are often caused by a disconnection between actions and values. This Mini-Makeover will help you rediscover your personal values–not the values others would like you to have. You’ll work through a values worksheet to deduce your core values.

These core values act as a filter. In times of indecision, we can compare options to our guiding values to make a decision. Values are the seams which shape the fabric of our lives. Without defined values, we have torn seams where the unwanted can sneak in, and our energy can sneak out. Values allow us to advance confidently in a meaningful direction. Without them we will be blown around by the emotions, people, and external events of the day. Recommended for ALL LIFE AREAS.

Related Minis: Creating Value Cards for Your Personal Power Deck #11, Creating a Personal Vision Statement #018 (It is recommend to complete this Mini before working on Mini #018.)
