Greeting Cards – Always Handy, Always on Time
Mini #151
by Sherriebeth Czepiel
Who doesn’t love getting a beautiful card for a birthday or anniversary, or one congratulating us on a new baby in the family? Who doesn’t love to know that someone out there is thinking of us during this special time in our lives? Or when we are down, how encouraging is it for a sister-friend-mom to send (or receive from us) a little card with a few words to say “I know this time is hard, but I also know you can get through it and I am here to help you!”?Yet many of us do not do this simple act…why is that?
The simple answer to this simple question is that we just do not have the time to go to the store, buy a card, take it home, find a nice pen, write it out, find the address, find a stamp, and drop it in the mail. Even regularly-scheduled events, like a child’s birthday or a religious event of great importance, we often do not plan far enough ahead to make sending a greeting card easier, thus relegating it to another ‘I gotta’, ‘I should’, or ‘I need to’ stressor in our lives.
In this Mini, Sherriebeth shares how to make a greeting card station that allows you to send cards easily, efficiently, and on time. She offers multiple systems so you can choose the one that best suits your paper-personality and offers step-by-step instructions for set up.