Vacation Mini 3: Traveling with Children
Mini #144
Written by Asst. Director, Debbie C.
Now that we have discussed choosing locations, packing, how to get there, etc., it is time to talk about taking our children with us on vacation. This mini will cover ways to make traveling with children more educational, entertaining and fun while exploring the continental US (many of the ideas can be used when traveling overseas, but we will not be covering how to deal with long plane flights, jet lag or how to make traveling in a foreign country easier). We will talk about how to get your children more excited about the 8 hour car ride to grandma’s; tricks of traveling with kids in airports; ways to make traveling with infants and small children easier; and possibilities of fun when traveling by train, etc. This mini will also cover games you can play with your children that do not require batteries, sound effects, or even light in many cases! Finally, at the end of the mini will be a list of resources that you can use when planning your trip. So, come along and let’s have some fun traveling with our kids!