Archive for March, 2008

That Meal in the Morning

Mini Number: 001
In a now famous study conducted by Ernesto Pollitt of the University of Texas Health Science Center, the performance of students who ate breakfast and those who did not were compared. His study revealed that those who ate breakfast made measurably fewer errors as the morning wore on. Breakfast is vital to energy and focus. But, you say, “I don’t eat breakfast!” I used to belong to the anti-breakfast club. Relinquishing my membership has been one of the hardest habits to break. I have learned though: A person simply has to eat breakfast in order to maximize energy, metabolism, live a healthy lifestyle, and create a solid base. The benefits outweigh my personal breakfast-avoidance tendency. This Mini-Makeover will offer strategies and support for building a breakfast routine and share the scientific findings that show eating breakfast is vital to weight loss, weight management and overall health.


Facing Fear and Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

Mini-Number: 002
Fear is an interesting emotion. As the name implies, fear scares people. Fear causes people to get very creative in how they deal with it. Instead of confronting fear, many people come up with excuse after excuse to avoid the discomfort that fear brings. These people view fear as a negative emotion instead of a positive one. Many people make decisions in attempt to avoid fear. They don’t walk the tightrope, they don’t cross the line, they don’t take a chance, or a risk, because something scares them. Sometimes it is external. Often it is the monsters they make themselves.


Invisible Blessings and Random Acts of Kindness

Mini Number: 003


“You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”—John Wooden … To give for the sake of giving is one of the greatest blessings we can give ourselves, our communities and those we care for. In this Mini-Makeover we explore invisible blessings and random acts of kindness that add radiance to life.

(Featured image is a printable available at the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation…. )


Simplify Your Wardrobe

Simplify Your Wardrobe

Mini Number 004
This month’ Chaos and Clutter Clearing is geared toward one of the most common clutter sources in the home—our closet. It is simply amazing how much time we spend putting on and taking off clothing and searching for a missing item of clothing or a match. Then there are all the other wardrobe maintenance tasks…. running errands to dry clean or mend, ironing, pre-soaking, taking something off in frustration and then adding it to a pile we will later have to fold. Since dressing is something we do daily, it makes logical sense to simplify, manage, and create a solid routine. Without a solid routine the simple task becomes a source of stress and lost-time. Wardrobe organization also plays a big role in the Good Morning routine. Who wants to begin their morning by putting on an outfit and deciding: I don’t like how this looks! This Mini-Makeover is divided into four sections and the suggested pacing is one section per week. The amount of time it takes will differ greatly with each person’s wardrobe.
Recommended for the following life areas: Housework Maintenance