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Archive for the ‘Tidbits & Trivia’

Eat Your Vegetables!

June 17, 2008 By: brooknoel Category: Tidbits & Trivia No Comments →

Research shows that only 43% of meals served in the US include vegetables. If all else fails, try to encourage your child to celebrate National Eat Your Vegetables Day on June 17th

Pretzel Power

June 01, 2008 By: brooknoel Category: Tidbits & Trivia No Comments →

The first pretzel was purportedly made in 600 A.D. by a monk in Northern Italy. During the Lenten season he was unable to use any milk, fat or eggs. When the monk used flour, water and salt, he came up with “pretzel” dough. He formed the dough into the shape of two arms crossed in prayer. Originally, he named it “pretiola” which is Latin for “Little gift.”

Potato Prices

June 01, 2008 By: brooknoel Category: Tidbits & Trivia No Comments →

In the United States, a pound of potato chips costs two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.

Terrific Tomato News…

April 08, 2008 By: brooknoel Category: Tidbits & Trivia No Comments →

Tomatoes contain something called lycopene–which (when cooked) becomes a cancer fighting substance. Tomatoes also contain lutein–something that fights macular degeneration in our vision. It is also believed that tomatoes in our diet can play an important part in the control of cholesterol-related heart problems. And, last but not least, one medium fresh tomato equals about 47% of our daily requirement of Vitamin C and 22% of our need for Vitamin A.

Add some spice to your life!

April 07, 2008 By: brooknoel Category: Tidbits & Trivia No Comments →

More for fun than a Freudian study, here are what some popular herbs represent:
Basil …Love (or hate)
Bay …..Victory
Lavender …..Acknowledgement
Caraway….. Retention
Marjoram …… Happiness
Mints ……Wisdom
Rosemary ….. Remembrance
Sage ….. Long Life
Thyme …… Bravery

So the next time you are feeling under the weather, stock up on the marjoram!